Prayer & Ministry of the Word Since 1975
Haiti for Christ Ministries is a 501 (C)(3) founded and run by missionaries Joel and
Yvonne Trimble. Joel and Yvonne live in Haiti where two of their four children and two of their nine grandchildren were born. All donation are tax exempt and applied in their entirety to Haiti for Christ’s soul winning mission work.
Thanks be to God that there are people like you who share a glimmer of light in the midst of all the evil down there.
- Ministry Supporter
Thank you so much for what you are doing for Haiti. You are really true missionaries, true servants of the Lord.
- Ministry Supporter
I praise God for your courage and your positive spirit. It is people like you that encourage me to still have hope for Haiti.
- Ministry Supporter
The Good News
Joel and Yvonne host and produce La Bonne Nouvelle, The Good News, which is aired daily in Haitian markets from Montreal to Martinique and throughout Haiti and France. The show is shot on location and features the beauty of Haiti and the Haitian people; and has an audience of over 2 million people; the US DOS language instructors use La Bonne Nouvelle for training Embassy foreign service employees. Â La Bonne Nouvelle is a pulpit that reaches rich, poor, young, old, even voodooists, drug dealers and politicians watch. All episodes are available online, on demand.