First Lady visits earthquake victims
First Lady Martine Moise visited Haiti’s earthquake affected S peninsula. Thousands came out to cheer on President Jovenel’s widow First Lady Martine when she visited earthquake victims. She led a demand of justice for her husband. President Jovenel was brutally assassinated in his home on July 7. Haiti’s First Lady was shot 8 times and left for dead. Her husband President Jovenel was shot 18 times. The assassination was a successful coup d’etat by Opposition Oligarchs. They began fighting against President Jovenel 5 years ago when he was a candidate. The beloved leader went won 3 elections. He fought corruption by refusing to award lucrative government contracts for millions in kickback. The Opposition Oligarchs who thrive on Haiti’s corruption, hated that President Jovenel could not be bought. Haiti missionaries Joel and Yvonne are personal friends of the First Lady. They often prayed for and advised President Jovenel. President Jovenel is now hailed as a hero of Haiti’s poor. Haiti’s First Lady Martine promises to continue her husband’s dream of developing Haiti. Her husband’s vision was to provide solar powered energy and water. Currently, less than 5% of Haitians have access to electricity or water.. |